

I would like to write this post and say thankyou to those who are now following me or have took the time to be so kind enough to reply to my comments. I hope to become good friends with all you and keep updating my blog with things of interest and importance, stay safe, be brave, and sleep well everyone. Be back blogging tomorrow.

Honesty of the day….my life.

The last post of the day is really about me summing up what i plan to do with my time as a freelance designer working from home. Working from home as a freelancer is so very hard and for me it has brought on many an issue since beginning back in may 2012 after finishing university. I suffer from severe anxiety you see which stops me from having a normal life and going places or working in a studio which is my dream job. I have dwelled and cried and felt every single type of emotion i can for the loss of my old life and the old me, but i have come to realise the importance of my lost time – and my now gained free time, being ill. So instead of dwelling and feeling sorry for myself and focusing on what i don’t have i plan to focus on what i do have, and time is exactly just that.

So from here on in i plan to spend my time wisely, i plan to learn everything i possibly can whilst i get better with my therapist that way when i get my life back and things go back to normal and my anxiety passes, I wont look back on my lost time and wish i had done more with it. So i am going to watch tutorials relentlessly until i get to grips with all the things i need to in order to succeed then when i am better in the hopes of getting what i have worked so hard for, which is a job in design, a studio full of creatives and happy people where i will learn as a person and i will make new friends and have everything i used to have and ever want back ten fold. So this is a little insight to the real me and the workings behind my blog, and mind.

I hope my honesty maybe helps someone else out their who sufferers from the same thing and is being held back from their dreams due to anxiety. I would love to speak to someone who also suffers from the same thing in the hopes of feeling a little more normal and less like some kind of alienated freak.

Thanks for reading and i hope my honesty is appreciated and not used against me.

Goodnight for now.

Amazing photoshop tutorial aka tutorial number 1. Get a crackin.

Amazing photoshop tutorial aka tutorial number 1. Get a crackin.

As i mentioned in a previous post of mine, my main reasons for creating this blog was to be inspired by others (& to possibly inspire you too) and to learn new skills, share my progress and help you also along the way.

So here is my first tutorial for photoshop, now photoshop is something as a graphic designer i have stayed well away from thus far. I regret doing so as it makes my work capabilities very limited to mainly vectoring, i dont use photography in my work (which i recommend you all do). So to help me i am going to post out tutorials ill do them and then let you all know how i got on thus learning a new skill. (see?)

So here it is the first tutorial, feel free to do the tutorial and post to my blog how you get on, right i better get a cracking.

Post soon.

John Wentz: War and the Will to Survive

War and self-destruction – amazing oil paintings a must see so had to share. Enjoy & be inspired.

Apocalypse Art

wentz1Stark landscapes and dilapidated carnival structures are the backdrops to John Wentz’s haunting oil paintings on the theme of war and self-destruction.  He’s about to go on exhibit at Modern Eden in San Francisco.

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My ‘image of the day’ is by artist Milk

The image of the day is a beautifully illustrated/painting/vector.

Ill let you decide what you get from the image, and what you see in its beauty. For me milk is an artist i was instantly inspired by way back when i first gained an interest in design and graphic design in particular. I was inspired to make more of my own art as well as a hint of jealousy…. but above all i think the work is so unique and breath taking and it really has been such an inspiration to me.

I hope you enjoy it 🙂

For those of you who are super interested in the artist and want to see more work then head over to this article when they have an interview with the elusive artist Milk.
